Nexus Programs

Interested In Our Programs? Complete One of the Forms Below:
State/Local Client Referral Form
Pretrial Monitoring Programs
Offender Reentry Programs
GPS Monitoring
​Drug/Alcohol Testing
​DNA Testing
Immigration Bond Collateralization
Nexus Programs is a Virginia non stock, not for profit corporation which is organized as a religious organization. Nexus Programs operates defendant and offender pretrial and reentry programs in Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia. Nexus Programs also offers advanced GPS tracking of pretrial defendants. In addition to providing monitoring pursuant to court or bail agent ordered conditions, Nexus Programs can assist in bail mitigation. We can also assist immigration detainees in posting immigration bonds.
Far too many offenders, once released from jail or prison, re-offend. In seeking to reduce recidivism, we must get smart about how we as a society handle the reentry of offenders into our communities. Similarly, warehousing pretrial offenders in jails when community supervision programs could be effective increases costs and institutionalizes criminal defendants. Our programs seek to offer Courts and released defendants more options and more support.

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.